Custom Offer: Convert Your Website into
an Android App!

Convert Website into Android App
Convert Website into Android with source code

Here are the key features of our offer

Tailored Design

Our expert team of designers will ensure that your app’s UI/UX is custom-tailored to match your website’s branding and aesthetics, providing a seamless transition for your existing users.

Optimal Performance

We guarantee that your Android app will be optimized for performance, ensuring swift loading times and smooth navigation, ultimately enhancing user engagement.

Device Compatibility

Your app will be designed to work flawlessly across various Android devices, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience for all users.

Push Notifications

We’ll integrate push notification functionality, allowing you to keep your users informed and engaged with timely updates and announcements.

App Store Submission

Our team will handle the entire app submission process to Google Play Store, ensuring your app meets all the necessary guidelines and requirements for a successful launch.

Ongoing Support

Post-launch, we’ll provide ongoing support and maintenance to address any issues or updates, ensuring your app remains up-to-date and functional.

To make this project a reality, We propose the following pricing for the conversion

Total Investment

Estimated Timeline
: 1 day (minimum)
: 5 days (Maximum)

Please note that these figures are subject to further discussion based on any specific requirements you may have.

I am confident that with our expertise, we can create an Android app that will elevate your online presence and provide a seamless mobile experience for your users. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to me at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for considering our custom offer. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and bring your website to the forefront of the Android app market.

Best regards,

Maruf Billah, CEO
Biz Solutions IT

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